The 96th Annual Meeting of The Chemical Society of Japan

Date: March 24th - 27th, 2016

Venue: Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan

Searching by rooms

Room A1

Chishinkan1 Building 101

[Education and History of Chemistry]

Thursday, March 24, AM

Chair: NINOMIYA, Junko (09:30-10:30)

* 9:20-9:30: interval for laptop PC connection.(1A1-04, 1A1-05, 1A1-06, 1A1-07, 1A1-08, 1A1-09)

Oxidation of vegetable oils utilizing photo-radical initiator (Grad. Sch. Mathematics Sci. Edu., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) º OSANAI, Koki; INOUE, Masayuki

Which amino acid shows Xanthoprotein Reaction? (Grad. Sch. Mathematics Sci. Edu., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) º TOMITA, Yuki; INOUE, Masayuki

Synthesis of esters utilizing acetylsalicylic acid as the reagent for acetylation (Grad. Sch. Mathematics Sci. Edu., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) º FUJIWARA, Hiroyuki; MITSUI, Shuta; INOUE, Masayuki

Development of experimental materials to study the phased oxidation of Toluene (Grad. Sch. Mathematics Sci. Edu., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) º SHIMAMURA, Matsuri; INOUE, Masayuki

Distinction of structural isomers of esters by hydroxamic acid iron (III) method (Grad. Sch. Mathematics Sci. Edu., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) º NOGAMI, Saori; INOUE, Masayuki

Development of the experiment to measurement iodine value with N-Chlorosuccinimide (Grad. Sch. Mathematics Sci. Edu., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) º KOBAYASHI, Satomi; INOUE, Masayuki

Chair: INOUE, Masayuki (10:40-11:20)

* 10:30-10:40: interval for laptop PC connection.(1A1-11, 1A1-12, 1A1-13, 1A1-14)

Metallic luster by oxide film of Sn-Zn alloy (National Institute of Technology, Oita College) º TANAKA, Yudai; UENO, Takahisa; NINOMIYA, Junko; MATUMOTO, Yoshihisa

A method for evaluating water pollution by luminescence in the marine symbiotic bacterium Vibrio fischeri. (National Institute of Technology, Oita College) º HIRANO, Rui; SUGIHARA, Yuya; UENO, Takahisa; NINOMIYA, Junko; MORITA, Hiroshi

Immobilization of Vibrio fischeri to Fibroin - alginic acid film and method of preserving the film. (National Institute of Technology,Oita College) º NINOMIYA, Junko; FURUKAWA, Takashi; MORITA, Hiroshi

Development of Teaching Material and Learning Program for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose (Grad. Sch. Educ., Hiroshima Univ.) º NINOMIYA, Takuya; AMIMOTO, Kiichi

Thursday, March 24, PM

Chair: NAKAGAWA, Tetsuo (14:30-15:30)

* 14:20-14:30: interval for laptop PC connection.(1A1-34, 1A1-36, 1A1-38)

Review of the terminology used in high school “Chemistry” in Japan-Activities of the Subcommittee for the Review of the Terminologies in Chemical Education in High Schools (Orgn. for Educ. Adv., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.; Coll. Sci. Eng., Aoyama Gakuin Univ.; Junior & Senior High School at Komaba, Uni. of Tsukuba; Rikkyo Niiza Junior & Senior High School; Fac. of Food and Nutritional Sci., Toyo Univ.; Tama Univ. Hijirigaoka High School; Fac. Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.; Fac. Sci. Eng., Soka Univ.; Chem. Res. Lab., To) WATANABE, Tadashi; º SHIMOI, Mamoru; NISHIHARA, Hiroshi; OSAKADA, Kohtaro; ITO, Masato; INOUE, Masayuki; UTAGAWA, Akiko; KARAYAMA, Masaki; WATANABE, Tomohiro; KAJIYAMA, Masaaki; SUGIMURA, Hideyuki; GOTO, Kenichi

Development and evaluation in the scientist training program for the junior high school students (Fac. Edu., Ehime Univ.) º OHASHI, Atsushi; SUMIDA, Manabu; WADA, Takayuki; OZAWA, Yuuki

An Inquiry Laboratory Activity Combined Elimination of Alcohol with Addition of Alkene (Grad. Sch. Educ., Hiroshima Univ.) º AMIMOTO, Kiichi; SASAKI, Masahiro

Chair: OHASHI, Atsushi (15:40-16:30)

* 15:30-15:40: interval for laptop PC connection.(1A1-41, 1A1-42, 1A1-43, 1A1-44, 1A1-45)

Practical Lesson on Microscale Experiment in Youngsters' Science Festival 2015 at Kobe, Japan: Classifying Aqueous Solutions into Acidic, Neutral, and Alkaline Ones (Kobe College) º NAKAGAWA, Tetsuo

Study on experiment of freezing point depression using naphthalene as solvent (Keio Shonan Fujisawa Jr.&Sr. High School) º HIRAMATSU, Shigeki

A learning program for chemistry class in high school utilizing over-the-counter medicines as a teaching tool (Fac. Edu., Gunma Univ.) º KAMEDA, Eri; ONO, Tomonobu; MASUDA, Hiromitsu; HIOKI, Hideaki

Development of Microscale Experiment for Electrolysis using Artificial Salmon Roe (Kobe Coll. Junior and Senior High School) º IKEDA, Ikuhiro

Development of a teaching material for electrodeposition of sodium metal in propylene carbonate. (Fac. Edu., Chiba Univ.) º SHIGENAGA, Tatsuhiko; HAYASHI, Hideko

Friday, March 25, AM

Chair: KEIKO, Shoji (10:10-10:50)

* 10:00-10:10: interval for laptop PC connection.(2A1-08, 2A1-09, 2A1-10, 2A1-11)

Examinaton of the teaching materiarl of biomass to introduce carbon neutral concept (Fac. Edu., Hirosaki Univ.) º CHOUNAN, Yukiyasu; HARADA, Takuma; KATSUKAWA, Kenzo

Analysis of Graph Drawing Abilities of Undergraduates Wishing to Become Elementary School Teachers - Case of a Solubility Curve (Fac. Edu., Univ. of Ryukyus) º YOSHIDA, Akira

Implementation of the organic chemistry course in a newly installed department of chemistry in a faculty of technology (Faculty of Science and Technology) º NAGATA, Toshi

Development of Bunsen burner attachment for burner work in laboratory (Grad. Sch. Eng., Utsunomiya Univ.) º IWAI, Hidekazu; HASEGAWA, Kazutoshi

Chair: NARIAI, Hiroyuki (11:00-12:00)

* 10:50-11:00: interval for laptop PC connection.(2A1-13, 2A1-16)

2A1-13 CSJ Award for Merits for Chemical Education
Contribution to Chemistry Education through Development of Teaching Materials for Experiments and Improving the Curriculum of Chemistry & Science Education (Hirano Senior High Sch. Attached to Osaka Kyoiku Univ.) º HORIKAWA, Masayoshi

2A1-16 CSJ Award for Merits for Chemical Education
Contribution to Popularization of Chemical Education through Experiment Focused Chemistry (Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.) º HAYASHI, Masayuki

Friday, March 25, PM

Chair: SANO, Hirosi (13:10-14:10)

* 13:00-13:10: interval for laptop PC connection.(2A1-26, 2A1-28, 2A1-29, 2A1-30)

Laboratory Experiments on Ionic Liquids integrating Various Basic Concepts (Shuhko Middle School; Tohoku Univ.) º SHOJI, Keiko; OGINO, Kazuko

Development of High-school Chemistry Teaching Materials due to the introduction of Medicinal Chemistry to study the Structure and Efficacy of Phermaceutical Products (Sci.Edu.Cen., Hokkaido Edu.Res.Inst.) º ITO, Takayuki; MATSUHASHI, Hiromi; SHIMIZU, Tadashi

Development of teaching materials using 3D printing to support chemical education for developmental disorders by visualization and haptization. (Kyoto Municipal Fushimi Technical High School) º HATA, Sohei

Ambiguity in the Periodic Table (Tohoku Univ.) º OGINO, Kazuko

Chair: KAMEI, Osamu (14:20-14:50)

* 14:10-14:20: interval for laptop PC connection.(2A1-33)

2A1-33 CSJ Award for Merits for Chemical Education
Contribution to Popularization of Chemistry through Experiments (Keio Girls Senior High Sch.) º TAMURA, Sadayoshi

Chair: NAGATA, Toshi (15:00-16:00)

* 14:50-15:00: interval for laptop PC connection.(2A1-37, 2A1-39, 2A1-41, 2A1-42)

Analysis of the Tendency with the Systematized Survey on the History of Technology: Cement manufacturing, Bottom plough, Petrochemical, Arc welding and Coke oven (NMNS) º KAMEI, Osamu

Representation of the Anionic or Cationic Polymerization process by new structural formula (Laboratory office of Global Energy System) º SANO, Hirosi

A Book consisting of stories of metaphorical expression for the purpose of active learning to chemistry. (Salesian Polytechnic) º NAGAO, Akemi; SHIMIZU, Yo; TARUKI, Monami; TUCHIYA, Syodo; NAKAMURA, Tomoe; MIKAMI, Aika; UJIIE, Kazuhiko

Development of environmental-benign Teaching Materials using Magnetic Ionic Liquids (Fac. Edu., Kagawa Univ.) º WATANABE, Keigo; TAKAGI, Yumiko

Saturday, March 26, AM

Chair: TAKAGI, Yumiko (09:10-09:40)

* 9:00-9:10: interval for laptop PC connection.(3A1-02, 3A1-03)

Ion analysis experiment using of alum crystal (NIGAWA GAKUIN HIGH SCHOOL) º YONEZAWA, Takeshi

Chemistry Education for Freshman and Sophomore having various background (Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.) º OYABU, Matashige

Chair: OGINO, Kazuko (09:50-10:50)

* 9:40-9:50: interval for laptop PC connection.(3A1-06, 3A1-09)

3A1-06 CSJ Award for Merits for Chemical Education
The development and promotion in chemical experiment teaching (Miyagi Prefectural Tagajo High Sch.) º SASAKI, Katsunori

3A1-09 CSJ Award for Merits for Chemical Education
Contribution to Chemical Education through Lectures on Chemical Experiments for Junior High School Students (Tsuruoka Nat. Coll. of Tech.) º SEGAWA, Toru

Chair: SHIMOI, Mamoru (11:00-12:00)

* 10:50-11:00: interval for laptop PC connection.(3A1-13)

3A1-13 CSJ Award for Chemical Education
Contributions to Encountering Chemistry through Experimentation (Fac. Bio. Eng., Toin Univ. of Yokohama) º SAITO, Kiyoshi